Thursday, 16 February 2012


There is so many ways a person can tell a story and can use any building. Two people entered in a building not having same problem or same vision on what they want to achieve but there is something common between them which is the story or the response they will get when they come out of the building. People enter the building having same purpose which is to get what they are looking for and before coming to the building each have vision to accomplish. Some go to the building because they need work then they apply but it does not mean they will come with the same story both of them, to the other it might be bad news but to the other good news and no one can change the way its done.

In South Africa there are so many building that are known with different design but everyone knows where to go because they are all branded on what they specialized on. Design attracts the public to come and it gives the feedback to the organisation.  Two people come out of a building into a story....What is your building story?#smed12

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