Every day to me is good day, I measure my good days based on my mistakes and what I have learnt during the day. I believe that we all learn something everyday in everything that we come along.
Everyday when I wake up I realise that I am blessed to deserve another life for I know that other people would have wanted to live until thus far but God kept me.
I am grateful to God for He is the one that gives me another chance everyday to live and rejoice always. I am grateful because its not my doings that I am who I am today but for me everyday is a good day.
My good day is when I wake up and see that I am still able to learn,
Able to see,
Able to walk,
Able to talk and able to smile.

wow!! indeed waking up is a gift from GOD and it proves that there is a purpose for each and everyone in this life. I thank GOD that i can wake up,its a blessing on its own..Praise GOD.